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Spectacular rim polishing step by step

Spectacular rim polishing step by step

Egy gyönyörűen csillogó és karcmentes autó szépségét – és ezáltal értékét is – képes elrontani, ha a felni polírozás kimarad a sorból. Egy koszos, sérült felni bizony meglehetős esztétikai károkat képes okozni. Rendszeres polírozással azonban még autója...
Car seat cleaning step by step

Car seat cleaning step by step

Bár az autóülés tisztítása nem tűnik nehéznek, bizonyos foltok, nehezen elérhető vagy rejtett helyek feladják a leckét. Ilyenkor fontos, hogy rendelkezésre álljanak a megfelelő eszközök, tisztítószerek és praktikák. Autóülés tisztítása: az első lépés Bár a legtöbben...
Car scratch repair at home vs. by professionals

Car scratch repair at home vs. by professionals

There comes a time in everyone's life, even the most careful driver, when the problem of car scratch repair comes to the fore. Even the tiniest scratch on our cherished car can be extremely annoying, and we're not even sure we caused it. But what can be done?...
Gloss repair: tips and pitfalls

Gloss repair: tips and pitfalls

Who wouldn't love to drive around in a shiny, like-new car every day? Depending on your needs and budget, a paint job can be a little spectacular and temporary, or it can be done by professionals and be permanent, extremely attractive and safe. But what tricks...
Why do you need car interior upholstery cleaning?

Why do you need car interior upholstery cleaning?

Like everything else in this world, upholstery will be long-lasting and beautiful if it is cared for. But because we are all different, our needs are just as different. Some of us take our cars out every two weeks or month and others only once every six months. It also depends on...